Saturday, February 4, 2012

Create a clean heart in me, O Lord

Many times each day I pray  Ps. 51: 10-11 that asks the Lord  to “create a clean heart in me, put within me a new and steadfast spirit, banish me not from your presence, and deprive me not of your Holy Spirit.”  This morning I stopped with “Create a clean heart in me” and expanded this prayer as follows:

                Create a clean heart in me, O God:

                                A pure heart,

                                                A single-purposed heart,

                                A heart purified in Your blood,

                                                A heart filled with genuine love,

                                A contrite heart,

                                                A believing heart,

                                A heart of flesh,

                                                A compassionate heart,

                                A faith-filled heart,

                                                A trusting heart,

                                A heart made strong by your death and resurrection

              lived out in my life

A heart sensitive to others in pain,

                                                A heart ready to respond to unmet need,

                                A heart focused on God,

                                                A heart filled with and fueled by grace,

                                A transformed heart,

                                                A heart bent on eternity,

                                                                In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Lord, my heart burns within Me, longing for the day when my choices and my attitudes truly are

transformed into the attitudes and the ways of Christ.  What about you?


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