Saturday, August 4, 2012

Confident in God's Direction

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Today's reading from Jeremiah is a continuation from yesterdays in which Jeremiah's opponents want to put him to death.  A defender challenges his accusers, reminding them that Jeremiah is speaking on behalf of the Lord.   Jeremiah is so confident that he was carrying out God's command that he feared no evil, not even death.  He could say to those who wanted him dead: "I am in your hands; do with me what you think good or right."  In faith, I asked the Lord to speak to me. The heard the following message within my spirit self:

Dorothy Ann, Jeremiah was given that courage by Me. I gave that same power to you in your baptism and confirmation and in every Eucharist and in the reading of the Word. I perfect it in you through the events of your life and in your sharing those events with me.  You are growing strong in the faith. Your trust in Me is  deepeneing and your love is being set ablaze.

My response was: Thank you!  Mother/Father God, Christ Jesus, and Holy Spirit, have mercy on me.  Transform my disbelief, my doubts, my weakness into even deeper faith, stronger trust, and an even  more ablazing love. Open my eyes to see You at work in me and in others, my ears to hear your Word, my will to follow You and my heart to love you.

My prayer is the same for you who read this.  As you reflect on Jeremiah's courage, what is your response, your wish?

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