Friday, July 27, 2012

Parable of the Sower

The sower sows seeds (Mt. 13:8).  The smallest of seeds sown is the mustard seed, a seed empowered to produce the largest of trees.  A lot of growing power, significant strength and endurance exist in that tiniest of seeds.  The seed of the Word of God contains infinite power, almighty power, divine power greater than any other power generated on this earth by humankind.  The seed of the Word of God planted in a heart open to God, respectful of God, eager for God will bear abundant fruit that will last an eternity.  At times we may wonder, especially when nothing seems to be happening, when we bump into the same weaknesses, seem to be making little or no progress in virtue. “Be still and know that I am God,” the psalmist chides us.  The seed of faith, hope and charity grows in the stillness, in the darkness of “night”.  God gives the growth, as St. Paul reminds us in  1 Cor. 3: 5.

Am I willing to remain open, to nurture the Seed, to water the Seed? Am I willing to cooperate with God? Or am I too busy, got other things more important to do? Do I simply ignore God’s Word speaking to me in my own being, through others, through the Scriptures, the Liturgy, the homily, the events of my life, thus choking it, leaving it to dry up on rocky soil?  The choice is mine.

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