Saturday, June 16, 2012

Following God's promptings

Today’s Gospel, Lk 2: 41-51, tells the story of Jesus being lost in the Temple.  When Mary asked her son why he had done this to them and that his father and she were in anguish looking for him, his response was: Did you not know that I had to be about my Father’s business? We have the typical teenager—Jesus 12 years of age—acting independently of his parents and the parents distraught over his behaviour, his not telling them that he was staying behind to talk with the rabbis. In you and me is also this rebellious drive for independence when, at times, we are not upfront with one another in our marriage or in religious life or even at our place of employment.  Furthermore, we can be that way with God, hiding from Him, not being open with Him about what we are thinking, deciding or desiring and frustrating the Lord who desires that kind of transparency and intimacy with Him.

As I reflected further upon this Scripture, the Lord pointed out to me the importance of being about My Father’s business and that, doing so, at times means going against what others may expect of me, speaking my truth calmly, putting myself in a vulnerable position as I need to explain why I did what I did or why I am planning to do that to what I believe God is calling me to accomplish. It is so easy to assume a laidback position and simply not take the initiative, not assume responsibility, ignore the small inner voice calling me to accomplish a certain task such as, for instance, reconciling, challenging, or asking forgiveness of someone or suggesting a change in behaviors or attitudes that are inappropriate or offensive or non-life-giving in the family or in the community, or whatever!

How does this Scripture passage speak to you? To what on-going conversion is God calling you?

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