Our personalities and character are shaped in part by who our parents are. Amalia’s parents were strong individuals. Her father, Adam Streitel, pursued the legal profession, a break in the tradition of family members choosing a career in forestry set by 5 generations. To choose something different from family tradition, I believe, takes a lot of strength and can be met by strong opposition. That her father was his own person, acted on his beliefs, is again confirmed when later in life he retired early rather than go against his faith when the government of his time wanted government officials to back a decree whereby church properties were seized. We see this same strength to stand up for what she believed when Amalia’s parents opposed her call to religious life to the point of choosing her future mate, a promising young lawyer. Amalia, we are told, hid in the attic of her family home all dressed in the formal she wore for that night’s momentous occasion. How strong is my faith to oppose those who want something of me that is against my conscience?
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