Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mother Frances Streitel: as a student, her values, her call,her desire questioned

Thursday, September 15, 2011: Mother Frances Streitel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother: Let’s look at some other details of Amalia Frances Rose’s life both as a child and as an adolescent. . As an academic student, Amalia’s leadership qualities were recognized, even though she was a quiet student.   She was bothered by the class system of her day— persons who belonged to the elite and grew up in well-to-do families were afforded a higher education not accessible to other children. As a student of the Maria Stern sisters, who ran an academy for such children, she loved the study of religion and also excelled in French and music.  In 1862, she earned a certificate in teaching.  It was in August of 1862 that she wrote in her journal: “Call to religious life.” I believe she returned home following the acquisition of this teaching certificate, believing that her next step would be, not to seek a teaching position, but to pursue this call to religious life.  Her desires were thwarted for four years, as her parents who initially believed that this desire might simply be an adolescent whim. Ever have your deepest desires dismissed as a whim that will not last and that, certainly, should not be taken seriously by adults in your life? More tomorrow!

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