Monday, November 26, 2012

Your Royalty as God's Child

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of Christ, our King.  This morning in prayer I imagined the following conversation with the Lord. It went like this:


                I am King.

                You are a King’s daughter.

                You are royalty!

                You are the recipient of my inheritance,

eternal  life in my Kingdom.

                I secured that inheritance for you

 by my obedience as Son of Man to My Father’s will

—your salvation and the salvation of the whole world.

When I was nailed to a cross,

 when I crushed the head of Satan,

all nations, all kingdoms of the earth, all languages (cf. Daniel 7: 13-14)

were brought under My rule and reconciled to My Father.

As Daniel prophesied, “all peoples, all nations and languages

serve [God].

[ M]y dominion is an everlasting dominion

that shall not be taken away.”

(M]y kingdom shall not be destroyed” (Daniel 7: 13-14)


Look, Lord, at the world!


The world as you know it is passing away!

God shall reign forever.

God reigns now and has reigned before this world ever came into existence and will reign eternally.

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