In the psalm of today's liturgy is
Psalm 139. One of its verses reads: "Truly you formed my inmost being; you
knit me in my mother's womb. A birthday prayer/reflection might go like
this: “Thank you, Lord, for the gift of
life. You shaped me in my mother’s womb and brought me into existence on (the
date of your birthday). Now you
shape me in the womb of this earthly life.
Another verse of this same psalm reads: “…[C]lose behind and close in
front you fence me round, shielding me
with your hand” (Ps 139: 4-5). “You know
if I am sitting or standing, you read my thoughts from far away; whether I walk or lie down, You are watching,”
(Ps 139: 1-2), just as a parent watches every step a toddler takes. God's care for us is profound.
God's loving us is incomprehensible, infinite.
God watched the bones of each of us take shape. God guided them. God
guided the formation of each of our physical systems: hearts, lungs, eyes, ears,
brain, etc.: all of it working perfectly. God breathe into each of us His
Spirit, creating us in God's likeness. Each of us is an image of God that no
one else reflects. Yes, each of us God created as one of His masterpieces (Eph
2: 10). And that creation is ongoing!
I encourage you to reflect on all of Psalm 139 today--it's about God's intimate involvement in your life and His phenomenal love of you as His special creation.
I encourage you to reflect on all of Psalm 139 today--it's about God's intimate involvement in your life and His phenomenal love of you as His special creation.
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