Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mary, Mother of Sorrows

Meeting Jesus on the Way to Calvary, the Fourth Sorrow:  Jesus is being led away to Calvary because the leaders of His day were threatened by His presence, His power, His popularity.  They were jealous of Him and afraid that they themselves were losing the power and popularity that they wanted to secure for themselves and which they once possessed.  As we listen to the politicians of today in the U.S. and their venomous attacks on one another, we realize that what is happening is not much different from the lies told about Jesus that led to His demise by the authorities of His day.

Mary knows and experiences the pain that led to Jesus' arrest.  She walks with Him as He is humiliated on the way to Calvary. She knows the humiliating position many persons are subjected to by those who will arrive at or stay at the top at all costs.  As the saying goes, "I will get what I want no matter what." Many children are taught to live this way.   We see our politicians, our popular entertainment stars, our corporate CEOs, Wall Street professionals, athletes and so many others glamoring for the top position at other's expense. That is what happened to Jesus tragically from a human standpoint. Are we willing to stop playing this one-up-man-ship game, this "I will win at all costs" strategizing and meet the challenge Isaiah puts before us when he says: All God asks of us is to live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.  Jesus and Mary shows us the way. My own mother lived this way and probably yours as well. What about me? What about you?

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