Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Spirituality of today's Scriptures

Today's Scripture readings (Jonah 3:1-10 and Lk 10: 38-42) are about listening to the voice of God directing us to do His will. Jonah is given a second chance to get it right. "Go to Nineveh and you will be told what to say," God tells Jonah. St. Francis of Assisi, whose feastday we celebrate today, has a similar experience. He, like Jonah and the Ninevites, was running away from what God wanted of him when, through a dream, God redirects him. He is to become a soldier of Christ, not a soldier of military might and glory, as he intended. Likewise, Mother Frances Streitel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, is taught on several occasions to let go of her will and follow God's. When, as a young sister she grew lukewarm in her observance of the rule, God brought her back, as God brought back Jonah and the Ninevites in today's first reading. In the Martha and Mary story, Jesus draws Mary to Himself. Where are we in the spiritual journey: on a road to worldly glory, on a road that leads to estrangement from God, on an escape route? Or are we, like Mary, seeking God's instruction; like Jonah, being given a second chance; or, like the Ninevites, repenting of our wrongdoing and our rebellious attitudes and returning to the Word of God?

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