Friday, February 18, 2011
Making all things new
I was reflecting on today's Scriptures (the tower of Babel and Mk 8:34-9:1--Those who wish "to save [their] life will lose it," but those who lose their "life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it"). The image came to me of a two-year-old building a lego structure and how my ego sometimes acts like a screaming two-year-old when a sibling knocks down his/her structure. Instead of being open to what the Spirit can build when we are open to the input of others, when we compromise and truly listen to one another, our egos usually want to be understood first. Forget about understanding the other's point of view. And, guess what, the structure crumples and we don't experience what the Scriptures promise: "See I make all things new" (Rev. 21:5). I actually laughed aloud at how correct this image is at times.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Awareness of God in one's life: A Discernment Skill
Becoming aware: One of the first steps in discerning God’s will in one’s life is becoming aware of how one encounters God. One way might be looking back over one’s life’s experiences: the good and the “bad,” the ups and the downs, the “winters,” “summers,” “springs, and “autumns” of one’s life. What do I mean by that? The “spring times” would be times of growth, of new life, new energy, new opportunities. One dies to some things, buries them in “the ground” so that something new springs up. During the summers of one’s life, so to speak, the seeds sown during the spring times were beginning to grow and mature, results were showing. In fall, a harvest is garnered and some things are also dying. One is letting go of some things, as the leaves let go of the tree to which they were attached. In winter, the going is harsh, cold, dark, sometimes dangerous. Life seems barren. Grief abounds. During each of the “seasons” what was one’s beliefs about God during that time? How did one experience God then? Write the story of the seasons of your life and your experience of God’s presence, His challenges, His Wisdom, His comfort that seeps through, strengthens, nurtures you in each of those seasons. What were your beliefs about God in the “good” and “bad” times of your faith journey? in the light and dark times, the "days" and the "nights."
Knowing how you encounter God is an important part of discerning what God is calling you to along life’s highway. God’s will for you is not just about a vocation in life (marriage, single life, religious life). It is also about becoming the best person God has called you to become. It is about becoming YOU in all of your beauty, your strengths, challenges. It’s about developing and being aware of your intelligence, your giftedness, your vulnerabilities, your potential for greatness (spiritual greatness).
As you go through the “seasons” of your life, how did your beauty come through? What strengths surfaced? What gifts were developed? How did you nurture your potential of becoming the great human being God created you to be? Of what vulnerabilities did you become aware? Did any of your beliefs in God change? How? What were they prior to the experience? What were they following the experience? What are they now?
Enjoy this method of developing the skill of discernment.
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